Cultivating Connection


Join us this autumn

As the fall season arrives, and the weather gets cooler we invite you to join us and other like-minded folks for an opportunity to cultivate connection with your inner knowing in a supportive community.

Does the world feel increasingly chaotic around you? Are you craving spaciousness and a moment to slow down and collect your thoughts?  Then this series might be for you.

As your hosts, we draw on creative and reflective practices such as collective wisdom circles, mindfulness, creative expression and powerful reflective questions. If this resonates with  you, we hope  you will  join us for our upcoming four-part series Cultivating Connection, where we will explore ways to connect to our inner wisdom through intentional practices.

We invite you to bring whatever is present for you at this moment to the circle. Our guiding questions are:

- What is calling for your attention? 

- What is being grieved?

- What is emerging? 

- What is evolving in your heart and spirit?

- Where do you feel stuck and where do you sense movement?

For the first two sessions we will spend time reflecting on where we are right now through guided reflection and hosted talking circles. You'll also be offered optional exercises to do on your own time between sessions.

For the second two sessions we will integrate our journey and move into inviting in what we'd like to see and shedding what is no longer serving us.

Questions? Feel free to send us a message using the form below!

Your Hosts:

Angela and Laura have 8+ years of combined coaching expertise, and collaborate regularly on group process design, artistic pursuits, mindful meditation practices, racial justice and equity work AND they have a whole lot of fun along the way.  

Angela Nardozi works with folks across sectors who want to make positive change in the world. She wears multiple hats including public educator, facilitator, lecturer, and researcher. Her work is tied together by her commitment to justice and creating spaces for healing and transformation. more info

 Laura Severinac is passionate about creating opportunities for transformative work to unfold. As a coach, she is excited to work with community builders, healers, artists and anyone seeking to live their lives with purpose, authenticity and integrity. She is also a dynamic facilitator, convenor, trainer and community organizer who has recently received her certification in conflict resolution and mediation. more info


We will meet online four times in November.

Sessions are on Wednesday nights and are 90 minutes each and begin at 730pm EST.

Please plan to arrive 5 minutes before each session to settle in. 


We are happy to offer a sliding scale of $300 to $350 for this series.  We invite folks to pay what they can on that scale. If you find the cost prohibitive and it is blocking you from attending, send us a message.

Payment can be made via e-transfer to upon receipt of confirmation email. We are open to payment plans with 100% being due on the Friday before we begin. Let us know what works for you. Refunds will be issued up to 3 days  prior to the first meeting.

Use the form below to sign up, or ask questions! Please also let us know if you require any accessibility modifications, and indicate whether we can contact you to ask questions about them.